pay for performance healthcare conference
pay for performance healthcare conference
pay for performance healthcare conference
pay for performance healthcare conference
pay for performance healthcare conference
pay for performance healthcare conference

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Pay for Performance Summit: Overview

The 2015 National Pay for Performance Summit marks the 10th anniversary of this highly regarded event, providing an opportunity to pause and reflect on the progress made in measuring and paying for performance in healthcare. Along the way, Pay for Performance has become mainstream, with broad support from all sectors of the health care system. It has also evolved from the payment of incentives for improved quality to more robust approaches to paying for value. On the up side, measurement has proliferated beyond all expectations. Physicians, hospitals and other healthcare providers are routinely seeing their performance compared to peers, national benchmarks and their own past performance. On the down side, the explosion of measurement has become "too much of a good thing." As a result, attention has shifted to discovering ways to better automate the measurement process and narrow its focus. In addition, despite tremendous progress, our payment system is still predominantly based on fee for service. We're still far from a health care system that consistently delivers best care at lowest cost, and our ability to truly measure and reward outcomes is at an early stage.

This year's conference will provide an opportunity to engage with colleagues from across the country on the issues, opportunities, and challenges facing the health care system in 2015. Leaders from industry, government, and the non-profit sector will share best practices and lessons learned from grappling with real-world implementation issues as they strive to improve quality while reducing costs. We will hear from an innovative physician entrepreneur working to fix the health care system, one technologyenabled clinic at a time; and from a panel of State Innovation Model award-winners on their plans to fundamentally improve health care in their states. Leading health plans and provider organizations will share observations from the front lines of product development and care delivery, while researchers will reveal what they have learned through studying success. Throughout the conference, practitioners actively engaged in the challenging work of improving our healthcare system will learn from each other, and accelerate our progress toward creating a higher-value system. In addition, the conference has become a great opportunity to reconnect on an annual basis -- we will be delighted if you can join us.

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