The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency
and Value-Driven Healthcare
March 2 - 4, 2015
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
OR |
In your own office or home live via the Internet with 24/7 access for six months

Christine K. Cassel, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Quality Forum, Former President and CEO of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and ABIM Foundation, Washington, DC |

Francois de Brantes, MBA
Executive Director, Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute, Newtown, CT |

David Feinberg, MD, MBA
President, UCLA Health System; Chief Executive Officer, UCLA Hospital System; Associate Vice Chancellor, UCLA Health Sciences, Los Angeles, CA

Richard Fish, MBA
Chief Executive Officer, Brown & Toland Physicians, San Francisco, CA |

George Isham, MD, MS
Chief Health Officer and Plan Medical Director, Health Partners, Senior Fellow, HealthPartners Research Foundation, Minneapolis, MN |

Pam Kehaly
President, Anthem West Region & Specialty Businesses, Anthem Blue Cross, Thousand Oaks, CA

Tom X. Lee, MD
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, One Medical Group, San Francisco, CA |

Harold D. Miller
President and CEO, Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform, Adjunct Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA |

Elizabeth Mitchell
President and CEO, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Portland, ME

Peggy O'Kane
President, National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC |

James C. Robinson PhD, MPH
Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Economics, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, Chair, Berkeley Center for Health Technology, Berkeley, CA

Alan Weil, JD
Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, Former Executive Director, National Academy for State Policy (NASHP), Washington, DC |

Daniel Wolfson, MHSA
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, ABIM Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
- Redesigning Plan Member Benefits to Optimize Consumer and Provider Incentives by HCI3
- Achieving Value: Evidence from Public and Private Payment Programs by AHRQ
- Lessons Learned in Paying for Performance: A Ten Year Retrospective
- Paying for Value: What the Future Holds
- Reinventing Primary Care: An Approach to Fixing Health Care Nationally
- Health Beyond Health Care: A Role for Care Delivery and Financing Systems?
- State Innovation Models, Round 2
- Win, Win, Win Approaches to Accountable Care: Physicians, Hospitals, Patients, and Payers Can All Benefit
- The Future of Quality Measurement and Improvement
- From ACOs to Joint Ventures: Emerging Plan-Provider Collaborations in California's Market
- Using Regional Health Improvement Collaboratives to Drive Improvement and Reduce Costs
- State Health Insurance Exchanges and CO-OP Plans: Performance Measurement and Value-Based Payment
- Updates from CMS and the Private Sector on Value Based Purchasing
- IHA's Value Based Pay for Performance Program
- Patient-Reported Outcome Measures: What Will It Take To Realize The Promise
- Innovative Payment in Cancer Care
- Identifying Positive Deviance in Cost and Quality: Most Valuable Providers
- Managing High-Cost Therapies in an Accountable Care Environment
- Lesson Learned in Implementing Bundled Payment in the Public and Private Sectors
- Transparency: Freeing the Data on Cost and Quality and Using it to Make Decisions
- Choosing Wisely: Unleashing Professionalism
- A Delivery System's Experience with a Very Large P4P Compensation Model
- Patient Engagement in Accountable Care Organizations
- Engaging Multiple Stakeholders in the Implementation of a Maternity Bundled Payment
- Advancing Primary Care Delivery: Practical, Proven, and Scalable Approaches
- Population Health Management: Creating a Clinically Integrated Network
- Paying for Quality: How to Promote Optimal Use of Appropriate Therapies
- Can We Truly Measure Healthcare Efficiency? Efforts in Linking Cost and Quality
- From Fee-for-Service to Fee-for-Value: BCBS of Michigan's Value Partnership Programs
- What Behavioral Economics Tells Us about P4P Design: Lessons from Some Medicaid Health Plans

Naomi Bardach, PhD MD, MAS
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy, UCSF School of Medicine and the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, San Francisco, CA |

Courtney Burke
Deputy Secretary for Health, Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Albany, NY |

Tracey Campbell
Vice President of Strategy & Business Development, All Payer Claims Database (APCD), Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), Denver, CO

Jim Chase, MHA
President, Minnesota Community Measurement, Minneapolis, MN |

Gary Cohen
Owner and Principal, Gary M Cohen Consulting, Former Director, Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, US Department of Health and Human Services, San Francisco, CA |

Nicole Comeaux, JD, MPH
Deputy Executive Director, Office of the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange (kynect), Lexington, KY

Robert W. Dubois, MD, PhD
Chief Science Officer, National Pharmaceutical Council, Washington, DC |

Mark Epstein MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer, New Mexico Health Connections, Albuquerque, NM |

Lindsay Erickson, MSPH
Manager, Value Based P4P Program, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA

Carole Flamm, MD, MPH
Executive Medical Director, Center for Clinical Value, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Chicago, IL |

Jim Frankfort, MD
Chief Medical Officer and Vice President, Clinical Informatics, IMS Health, San Francisco, CA |

Mark Gibson
Director, Center for Evidence-based Policy, OHSU, Portland, OR

Jessica Greene, PhD, MPH
Professor, George Washington University, Washington, DC |

Samuel W. Ho, MD
Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, UnitedHealthcare; President, UnitedHealthcare Clinical Services, Cypress, CA |

Emma Hoo
Director, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA

Michael Hunt, DO
Chief Medical Information Officer/Chief Medical Officer, St. Vincent's Health System, Bridgeport, CT |

Brian Jeffrey
Regional President, Network Management, UnitedHealthcare, Santa Ana, CA |

Jaime King, JD, PhD
Professor of Law, UC Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, CA

Richard Kronick, PhD
Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville, MD |

Colin LeClair
Executive Director, ACO Programs, Monarch HealthCare, Irvine, CA |

Sharon Levine, MD
Associate Executive Medical Director, The Permanente Medical Group, Oakland, CA

Kevin Lewis, MPP
Chief Executive Officer, Maine Community Health Options, Former Chief Executive Officer, Maine Primary Care Association, Lewiston, ME |

Sean Mackey, MD, PhD
Redlich Professor And Professor, By Courtesy, Of Neurology, Chief, Division of Pain Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA |

Kim MacPherson, MPH, MBA
Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology; MPH Program Director, University of California at Berkeley School of Public Health and Haas School of Business, Berkeley, CA

Elliott K. Main, MD
Director, California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative, Director, Maternal-Fetal Medicine California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA |

Jennifer Malin, MD, PhD
Medical Oncologist, Medical Director for Oncology and Care Management, WellPoint, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA |

Jean M. Malouin, MD, MPH
Medical Director, Value Partnerships, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Detroit, MI

Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine and Director of the Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA |

Greg Moody
Director, Governor’s Office of Health Transformation, Columbus, OH |

Robert L. Moore, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer, Partnership HealthPlan of California, Fairfield, CA

Julia Murphy, MSc
American Idol in Medicine (AIM) Project Lead, Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA |

David Nace, MD
Vice President and Medical Director, McKesson Corporation/Relay Health; Chairman, Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC), Malvern, PA |

Lee Newcomer, MD, MHA
Senior Vice President, Oncology, Genetics and Women's Health, UnitedHealthcare, Minneapolis, MN

Val Overton, DNP
Vice President, Quality and Innovation, Fairview Medical Group, St. Paul, MN |

Steven D. Pearson, MD, MSc, FRCP
Founder and President, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), Lecturer, Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA |

Jeanne Pinder
Founder and CEO, ClearHealthCosts, Pelham, NY

Anne E. Price
Director, Plan Management Division, Covered California, Sacramento, CA |

Lisa Rajt, MSW
Manager - PCMH/PDCM Programs, Value Partnerships, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Detroit, MI |

Thomas A. Raskauskas, MD, MMM, CHCQM
President & CEO, St. Vincent's Health Partners, Bridgeport, CT

Andrew (Andy) Ryan, PhD, MA
Associate Professor, University of Michigan; Former Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College, Ann Arbor, MI |

Brynn Rubinstein, MPH
Senior Manager, Transforming Maternity Care, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |

David Sayen, MBA
Regional Administrator, Region IX, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), US Department of Health and Human Services, San Francisco, CA

Simeon Schwartz, MD
Chief Executive Officer, WESTMED Practice Partners, Purchase, NY |

Mark Selna, MD
Chief Medical Officer for the Sutter Health Peninsula-Coastal Region; Chief Accountable Care Officer for the Palo-Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF), Palo Alto, CA |

Maribeth Shannon, MSHA
Director, Market and Policy Monitor Program, California HealthCare Foundation, Oakland, CA

Melora Simon, MPH
American Idol in Medicine (AIM) Project Lead, Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University, Stanford, CA |

Neil Solomon, MD, FACP
Vice President for Quality and Care System Transformation, Blue Shield of California, San Francisco, CA |

Jay Sultan
Strategy Consultant, Edifecs, Bellevue, WA

Dorothy Teeter
Director, Washington State Health Care Authority, Olympia, WA |

Roger Tiao, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramon, CA |

Claudia Lago Toro, MD
Medical Director, Shimberg Breast Center, St. Joseph's Women's Hospital, BayCare Health System, Tampa, FL

Marcus Thygeson, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President and Chief Health Officer, Blue Shield of California, San Francisco, CA

Thomas Valuck, MD, JD
Partner, Discern Health, Former Senior Vice President for Strategic Partnership, National Quality Forum, Baltimore, MD |

Ashlie Wilbon, RN, MPH
Managing Director, National Quality Forum, Washington, DC

Fiona Wilson, MD
Senior Vice President and Chief of Clinical Transformation, Brown and Toland Physicians, San Francisco, CA |

Ann Woo
PharmD, Clinical and Technical Advisor, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA
The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency
and Value-Driven Healthcare
March 2 - 4, 2015
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
OR |
In your own office or home live via the Internet with 24/7 access for six months



David Joyner, MBA
Chief Operating Officer, Hill Physicians Medical Group; Chair, Integrated Healthcare Association, San Ramon, CA

Tom Williams, DrPH
Vice President and General Manager, Accountable Care Operations and Strategy, Stanford Health Care; Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA

Jill Yegian, PhD
Interim Chief Executive Officer and Senior Vice President, Programs and Policy, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA



NASBA Credit Statement: A recommended maximum of 17.5 credits based on a 50-minute hour will be granted for the entire learning activity for the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).
ACCME Physician Credit Designation Statement: The Summit is approval for up to 17.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.
Click here for more information.
The Pay for Performance Summit is now offering a limited number of partial and full Tuition Scholarships to qualifying representatives of local, state and federal government, consumer advocate organizations, safety net providers, academics, students and health services research organizations
Click here for more information.



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Pros: subject matter immersion; professional networking opportunities; faculty interaction

Watch the conference in live streaming video over the Internet and at your convenience at any time 24/7 for the six months following the event.
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