The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency
and Value-Driven Healthcare
February 19 - 21, 2013
Hyatt Regency
San Francisco, CA
OR |
In your own office or home live via the Internet with 24/7 access for six months

François de Brantes, MS, MBA
Executive Director, Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute, Newtown, CT |

Giovanni Colella, MD
CEO and Co-Founder, Castlight Health, San Francisco, CA |

Susan Dentzer
Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, Health Policy Analyst, The PBS News Hour, Washington, DC

Irene Fraser, PhD
Director, Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD |

John Hernandez, PhD
Vice President, Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA |

Scott Howell, MD
Vice President, Access Solutions, Genentech, South San Francisco, CA

Brent James, MD, M.Stat
Executive Director, Intermountain Healthcare - Institute for Health Care Delivery Research, Salt Lake City, UT |

Brian Jeffrey
Regional Vice President, West Region, UnitedHealth Networks, Santa Ana, CA |

Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH
C. Boyden Gray Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge, MA

Shari M. Ling, MD
Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Office of Clinical Standards and Quality, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Baltimore, MD |

Harold Miller
Executive Director, Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform, President and Chief Executive Officer, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, Pittsburgh, PA |

Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine and Director, Clinical Excellence Research Center, Stanford University, Medical Director, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA

Margaret (Peggy) E. O'Kane
President, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), Washington, DC |

James C. Robinson, PhD
Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Economics, University of California at Berkeley, Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology, Berkeley, CA |

Karen Van Wagner, PhD
Executive Director, North Texas Specialty Physicians, Fort Worth, TX

Paul Wallace, MD
Senior Vice President and Director, Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research, The Lewin Group; Fellow, Optum Labs, Falls Church, VA |

Dolores Yanagihara, MPH
Vice President of Performance Measurement and Analytics, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA
Pre-Conference I: Physician Value Based Pay for Performance
Sponsored by the Integrated Healthcare Association
Pre-Conference II: Hospital Value Based Payment
Sponsored by Premier healthcare alliance
Pre-Conference III: Achieving the Triple Aim Through Payment and Delivery Reform
Sponsored by the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement
- Pay for Performance in Context
- Moving Beyond Incremental Improvement: Creating Incentives and Infrastructure for Innovation
- The Evidence Against Pay for Performance
- The Evidence For Pay for Performance
- How Can Health Services Research Keep Pace with Payment Reform?
- Updates from CMS: Value Based Payment Programs
- Case Studies in Payment Reform: Health Plan and Provider Perspectives
- Pay for Performance for High-Cost and Innovative Drugs and Devices
- Revolutionizing Consumer Healthcare Transparency
- Performance Based Elements of Healthcare Reform
- Performance Measurement for ACOs, Exchanges, Medical Homes, and Beyond
- "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare"
- Bridges to Excellence: Results, Lessons and Success
- Performance Measurement for ACOs
- P4P and Payment Design in Europe
- State Payment Reform Efforts
- NQF National Consensus Standards for Cost/Resource Use
- Bundled Payment & Performance Measurement for Cancer Care
- Data-Guided Hot Spotting: Characterizing Frequently-Admitted Patients
- Will New CMS Initiatives Make State & Regional Hospital Incentive Programs Obsolete?
- A Care Coordination Model for Value Based Performance Programs
- Using Population Health Management to Optimize Care Delivery
- Pay for Performance Legal issues
- Combining Practice & Payment Reform in a Medical Home Model
- On the Ground Insights into Payment Reform
- Implementation & Automation of Three Bundled Payment Reimbursement Models
- Health Plan Pay for Performance: CMS Medicare Advantage Star Quality Ratings
- Hospital Pay for Performance: CMS Hospital Value Based Purchasing (VBP) Program
- The Next Generation of Health Plan-Medical Group Collaboration
- Driving Health Improvement Through Community Population Measurement
- Technology and Care Delivery Strategies in Value Based Care Models
- Highmark's Physician Pay for Performance Program
- Updates from CMS: Using Innovation and Information to Drive Outcomes
- Price Transparency and Value Based Benefit Design
- Changing Payment and Changing Care for Medically Complex Patients
- Fulfilling the Promise of Bundled Payment

Taroon Amin, MPH, PhD (c)
Senior Director, National Quality Forum (NQF), Washington, DC |

Deirdre M. Baggot
Vice President, The Camden Group, Expert Panel Reviewer, CMMI Bundled Payment for Care Improvement Initiative, Former Executive, Denver St. Joseph Hospital ACE Bundled Payment Demonstration, El Segundo, CA |

Patricia Barrett
Vice President, Product Development, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), Washington, DC

Monica Barrington
Vice President, Engagement and Delivery, Premier Performance Partners, Premier healthcare alliance, Charlotte, NC |

Howard Beckman, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Focused Medical Analytics, Pittsford, NY |

Helen Burstin, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, National Quality Forum (NQF), Washington, DC

Theresa C. Carnegie, Esq.
Member, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC, Washington, DC |

Richard S. Chung, MD
Chief Clinical Officer, APS Healthcare, Honolulu, HI |

Lori Coyner, MA
Director of Accountability and Quality, Oregon Health Authority, Portland, OR

Susie Dade
Deputy Director, Puget Sound Health Alliance, Seattle, WA |

Juan Davila
Executive Vice President - Health Care Quality and Affordability, Blue Shield of California, Woodland Hills, CA |

Andrea Dilweg
Program Director, Catalyst for Payment Reform, San Francisco, CA

Susan Elster, PhD
Chief Research Officer, Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative/Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Pittsburgh, PA |

Lisa M. Farnan
Vice President, Accountable Care, The TriZetto Group, Greenwood Village, CO |

Rebecca Ford, RHIA
Senior Manager, Network Performance Management, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, Dallas, TX

Alan Glaseroff, MD
Co-Director, Stanford Coordinated Care Clinical Professor of Medicine, Stanford, CA |

William Golden, MD, MACP
Medical Director, Arkansas Medicaid, Professor of Medicine and Public Health, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR |

Andrei Gonzales, MD
Episodes of Care Client Relationship Director, McKesson Health Solutions, Malvern, PA

Kimberly Crow Hartsfield
Manager, Enterprise Business Intelligence - Medical Informatics, Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield, Little Rock, AR |

Mark Hiller
Vice President, Innovation Solutions, Premier Inc., Charlotte, NC |

Julie Hobson, RN, BSN
Manager, Provider Engagement, Performance and Partnership, Highmark, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA

Denise Honzel
Executive Director, Oregon Health Leadership Council, Portland, OR |

Jennifer Eames Huff
Director, Consumer-Purchaser Disclosure Project, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |

Katharina Janus, PhD, MBA
Professor of Healthcare Management, Ulm University, Director, Center for Healthcare Management, Ulm, Germany

Angela Kaiser
Manager Quality and Compliance, HealthPartners, Bloomington, MN |

Simone F. Karp, RPh
Chief Business Officer, CECity.com, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA |

Charles Kennedy, MD
Chief Executive Officer, Aetna Accountable Care Solutions, Hartford, CT

Susan R. Kennedy
Senior Quality Project Analyst, Mountain States Health Alliance, Johnson City, TN |

Jan Kovach, MD
Senior Medical Director, Lovelace Health Plan, Albuquerque, NM |

Napoleon Knight, MD
Medical Director, Hospital Medicine and Associate Medical Director, Quality for Carle Foundation Hospital and Physician Group, Urbana, IL

David Labby, MD, PhD
Medical Director and Director of Clinical Support and Innovation, CareOregon, Portland, OR |

David Lansky, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |

Federico Lega, PhD, MBA
Professor of Healthcare Management, Bocconi University, Italy; Director Master of Science in Public Management and International Organizations, Milan, Italy

Scott Leitz
Assistant Commissioner of Health Care, MN Department of Human Services, St. Paul, MN |

Helen Macfie, PharmD
Senior Vice President, Performance Improvement and Strategic Planning, MemorialCare Health System, Long Beach, CA |

Sanne Magnan, MD, PhD
President and CEO, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Bloomington, MN

Jennifer Malin, MD, PhD
Medical Director, Oncology, WellPoint, Inc., Newbury Park, CA |

Donna Marshall, MBA
Executive Director, Colorado Business Group on Health, Lakewood, CO |

Michael Massey, MD
Vice President of Best Care, Baylor Health, Health Texas Provider Network, Dallas, TX

Elizabeth Mitchell
Chief Executive Officer, Maine Health Management Coalition, Portland, ME |

Bruce D. Nash, MD, MBA
Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, Capital District Physician's Health Plan (CDPHP), Albany, NY |

Karen Onstad
Director, Quality Solutions Group, National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), Washington, DC

Rebecca S. Ramsay, BSN, MPH
Director - Community Care, CareOregon, Portland, OR |

Ashley Reid
Director of Strategic Initiatives, Health Texas Provider Network, Dallas, TX |

Jeff Rideout, MD
Senior Vice President, Cost & Care Management and Chief Medical Officer, The TriZetto Group, Newport Beach, CA

Adam Romney, Esq
Associate, Davis Wright Tremaine, Seattle, WA |

Jessica Roth, MPH
Discern Consulting, Baltimore, MD |

David Saÿen
Regional Administrator - Region IX, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), San Francisco, CA

Carolyn Scott
Vice President, Premier Performance Partners, Premier healthcare alliance, Charlotte, NC |

Jeanene Smith
Administrator, Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Office for Health Policy and Research, Salem, OR |

Bruce Spurlock, MD
Executive Director, Cynosure Health; Executive Director, California Hospital Assessment and Reporting Task Force (CHART), Roseville, CA

Jett Stansbury
Director, New Program Development, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Diane Stewart, MBA
Senior Director, California Quality Collaborative, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |

Larry Strieff, MD
Specialty Chief, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramon, CA

Richard KP Sun, MD, MPH
Medical Consultant II, Health Plan Administration Division, California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS), Sacramento, CA |

Barbara Tobias, MD
Robert & Myfanwy Smith Endowed Professor, UC Department of Family and Community Medicine; Medical Director, The Health Collaborative, Cincinnati, OH |

Betsy L. Thompson, MD, DrPH
Chief Medical Officer - Region IX, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), San Francisco, CA

Deryk Van Brunt, DrPH
President and CEO, Healthy Communities Institute, Berkeley, CA |

Bart Wald, MD, MBA
Chief Executive for Physicians Services, Providence Health and Services - Southern California, Arcadia, CA |

Alan Weil
Executive Director, National Academy for State Health Policy, Washington, DC

Ashlie Wilbon, RN, MPH
Senior Project Director, National Quality Forum (NQF), Washington, DC |

Tom Williams
President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Ann Woo, PharmD
Director of Pharmacy, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramon, CA

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The Pay for Performance Summit is now offering partial and full Tuition Scholarships to qualifying representatives of local, state and federal government, consumer advocate organizations, safety net providers, academics, students and health services research organizations.
Click here for more information.


Elaine Batchlor, MD, MPH
Chief Executive Officer, MLK Jr. Community Hospital; Chair, Integrated Healthcare Association, Los Angeles, CA

Tom Williams, DrPH
President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA






The 2013 National Pay for Performance Summit is pleased to be able to offer a special complimentary showing of the documentary film Escape Fire on the evening of February 20, 2013. Click here to read more about the movie.
Simply register, travel to the conference city and attend in person.
Pros: subject matter immersion; professional networking opportunities; faculty interaction

Watch the conference in live streaming video over the Internet and at your convenience at any time 24/7 for the six months following the event.
The archived conference includes speaker videos and coordinated PowerPoint presentations.
Pros: Live digital feed and 24/7 Internet access for next six months; Accessible in office, at home or anywhere worldwide with Internet access; Avoid travel expense and hassle; No time away from the office


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