Pay for Performance Summit: Overview
Value -- the word, which suggests a combination of both high quality and low cost, is oft-used these days in healthcare, but how can it be effectively operationalized? The theme of the 2012 National Pay for Performance Summit is "Value Based" Pay for Performance, which focuses on the evolution of P4P from purely quality-based incentive payments to the integration of cost and quality in performance payment initiatives.
Examples of Value Based P4P initiatives abound across the country and internationally, and implementers have had to work through a number of challenging issues, including data collection, aggregation, and analytics; measurement methodologies; designing new payment schemes; and working with different populations and settings.
Participants will hear from leaders in the field working to implement innovative reforms that focus on both lowering costs and increasing quality. Conference elements will include keynote addresses from senior executive leaders and national policy makers that highlight challenges and opportunities presented by the new law, with ample opportunity for audience participation, questions and answers.
The preconference symposia and mini-summits will provide in-depth perspectives on a variety of topics related to pay for performance, payment methods, and performance measurement. Concurrent sessions offer several best practices and case studies from experienced executives and experts.
Please join us for this exciting agenda.