
The Leading National Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency and Value Driven Healthcare
February 27 - 29, 2008
The Beverly Hilton
Los Angeles, CA
Watch video of the 2008 National Pay for Performance Summit on the go. The National Pay for Performance Summit is Podcasting all general sessions on Video iPOD Nano, a DVD-ROM, or a Flash Drive. Concurrent breakout session audio and all related presentation materials are also included on each multimedia format.
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Geoffrey B. Baker, MBA
Chief Executive Officer and President, Med-Vantage, San Francisco, CA |
Howard Beckman, MD, FACP
Medical Director, Rochester Individual Practice Association, Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, NY |
Leah Binder, MA, MGA
Chief Executive Officer, The Leapfrog Group, Former Vice President, Franklin Community Health Network, Farmington, ME |
Carolyn M. Clancy, MD
Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD |
Janet M. Corrigan, Ph.D., MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Quality Forum, Washington, DC |
Karen Davis
President, The Commonwealth Fund, Former Chairman, Department of Health Policy and Management, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Washington, DC |
Karen Ignagni, MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer, America's Health Insurance Plans, Former Director, AFL-CIO Department of Employee Benefits, Former Professional Staff Member, U.S. Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, Washington, DC |
Peter V. Lee, Esq.
President and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |
Steve McDermott
Chief Executive Officer, Hill Physicians Medical Group, Past Chair, Integrated Healthcare Association, San Ramon, CA |
Richard A. Norling, MA, MHA
President and Chief Executive Officer, Premier, Inc., Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Fairview Hospital and Healthcare System, Minneapolis, MN |
Peggy E. O'Kane
President, National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC |
Dennis S. O'Leary, MD
President Emeritus, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Chicago, IL |
Tom M. Priselac, MPH
President and Chief Executive Officer, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Former Chair, Association of American Medical Colleges, Former Chair, California Healthcare Association, Los Angeles, CA |
James Robinson, Ph.D., MPH
Editor, Health Affairs, Kaiser Permanente Distinguished Professor of Health Economics, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA |
Meredith B. Rosenthal, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Health Economics and Policy, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA |
Mark D. Smith, MD, MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer, California HealthCare Foundation, Oakland, CA |
Thomas Valuck, MD, MHSA, JD
Medical Officer and Senior Advisor to the Administrator, Director, Special Program Office of Value-Based, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Baltimore, MD |
Andrew Webber
President and Chief Executive Officer, National Business Coalition on Health, Washington, DC |
Francois de Brantes
Officer and Director, Bridges to Excellence, Fairfield, CT |
Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH
U.S. Health Care Thought Leader, Mercer Health & Benefits, Medical Director, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |
Donald J. Rebhun, MD, MSPH
Regional Medical Director, HealthCare Partners Medical Group, Mission Hills, CA |
Tom Williams
Executive Director, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |
Best Practices in Pay for Performance: Measurement, Data Collection and Reporting
Co-Sponsored by IHA and NCQA |
How to Achieve a Real Return on Investment (ROI) in Pay for Performance
Sponsored by Bridges to Excellence |
Implementing Efficiency Measurement in Pay for Performance
Sponsored by Thomson Healthcare

Advanced Strategies on Hospital Pay for Performance
Sponsored by Premier

- Mini Summit I: Physician Engagement in P4P: Case Studies
- Mini Summit II: Medicaid Pay for Performance Programs
- Mini Summit III: Performance Measurement and Data Collection: A Balancing Act
- Mini Summit IV: Health Disparities and Pay for Performance
- Mini Summit V: Making Efficiency Measurement Work
- Mini Summit VI: Value Based Benefit Design and Pay for Performance
- Mini Summit VII: Designing Reimbursement, Payment and Incentives
The primary goal of the 2008 Summit is to continue the important ongoing dialogue about the appropriate role and structure of pay for performance in both the private and public sectors. This includes exploring key policy issues and practical challenges for implementing pay for performance, its potential to achieve meaningful improvements in healthcare access, quality and efficiency, and its influence on payment reform and value-based purchasing. These are relevant, dynamic topics in light of new and proposed health care reforms, increased engagement in pay for performance by Medicare and Medicaid, new research, and findings from the practical experiences of pay for performance programs both nationally and internationally.
Summit topics will include presentations, panel discussions and case studies from leading researchers, policy experts and pay for performance administrators. Technical experts in performance measurement, data collection, public reporting and incentive design will also lend their experience and perspectives to the Summit proceedings.
Key topics will include:
- Designing Pay for Performance Programs
- Medicare Hospital and Physician Pay for Performance Programs
- State Medicaid Pay for Performance Programs
- Standardizing Performance Measurement
- Efficiency Measurement in Pay for Performance
- Aligning Payment Reform and Care Integration
- Latest Research Findings in Pay for Performance
- Information Technology: It's Role in Pay for Performance
- Data Collection: Practical Challenges and Solutions
- Transparency and Public Reporting
- Pay for Performance and Health Disparities
- Integrating Cultural Competency in Pay for Performance
- Specialty Societies and Pay for Performance
- Case Studies: Physician and Hospital Pay for Performance Programs








