The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency
and Value-Driven Healthcare
March 24 - 26, 2014
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
OR |
In your own office or home live via the Internet with 24/7 access for six months

Robert Berenson, MD
Institute Fellow, Urban Institute, Former Vice Chair, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), Washington, DC |

Elizabeth Curran
Head, National Network Strategy and Program Development, Aetna, Columbus, OH |

Suzanne F. Delbanco, PhD
Executive Director, Catalyst for Payment Reform, Former Chief Executive Officer, The Leapfrog Group, San Francisco, CA

David Feinberg, MD, MBA
President, UCLA Health System, Chief Executive Officer, UCLA Hospital System, Associate Vice Chancellor, UCLA Health Sciences, Los Angeles, CA |

Robert Galvin, MD, MBA
Chief Executive Officer, Equity Healthcare, The Blackstone Group, Former Executive Director of Health Services and Chief Medical Officer, General Electric, New York, NY

Sean Cavanaugh
Deputy Director, Programs and Policy, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Baltimore, MD

Elizabeth Mitchell
President and Chief Executive Officer, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NHRI), Portland, ME

Peggy O'Kane
President, National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC

Mark Smith, MD, MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer, California HealthCare Foundation, Oakland, CA

Alan Weil
Executive Director, National Academy for State Health Policy, Former Director, Assessing the New Federalism, Urban Institute, Portland, ME
Precon I: New Tools to Help Employers Get Better Value from Healthcare Benefits
Sponsored by the National Business Coalition on Health
Precon II: Price Transparency: Creating and Using Data to Improve Performance
Sponsored by the Integrated Healthcare Association
Precon III: Improving Evidence and Measurement for Payment and Public Reporting
Sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
- Keynote Address: One Patient at a Time
- Keynote Address: The Future of Performance Measurement
- Keynote Address: CMS Value Based Purchasing Update
- Achieving the Full Potential of Performance Measurement
- Moving Payment from Volume to Value
- Successes in Regional Collaboration to Achieve the Triple Aim
- Case Studies: Rewarding Excellence and Provider Engagement
- State Payment Policies that Promote Value
- The Medicare SGR "Doc Fix" and Transition to Value Based Payment
- Resource Use and Total Cost of Care Measurement
- Value Based Integrative Behavioral Health
- What Have We Learned from Pioneer ACOs?
- Promoting Transformation in the Safety Net Through Performance Measurement and Payment Reform
- Reaching for the Medicare Stars
- Updates from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on Value Based Purchasing
- The Future of Pay for Performance for Hospitals and Physicians: Next Generation Models in Public and Private Sectors
- Changing Payment and Changing Care for Medically Complex Patients
- MONAHRQ -- Creating an Instant Public Reporting Website
- Medical Home Network Delivery System Transformation: From Patient Engagement to Payment Reform
- Value Based Pay for Performance
- Facilitating your Medical Group's Effective Use of Patient Satisfaction Assessment Data
- New Specs for Quality Improvement Organizations
- Reference Pricing for Orthopedic Surgery, Lab Tests, and Diagnostic Imaging
- All Payer Claims Databases
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan's Hospital Collaborative Quality Initiatives
- Legal Pitfalls and Solutions: Forming and Operating MSSP and Commercial ACOs; Gainsharing and P4P Issues
- Rewarding Excellence - Developing a Pay-for-Performance Program
- Role of Digital Health in Patient Engagement and Payment Reform
- Strategies for Success in Accountable Care
- Population Health Management and Implications for P4P and ROI
- The New Risk Bearing Providers: Addressing the Opportunities in Value Based Reimbursement Patterns
- Defensible Scorecards: Performance Measurement and Compensation for ACOs and PCMHs
The Leading Forum on Pay for Performance, Transparency
and Value-Driven Healthcare
March 24 - 26, 2014
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
OR |
In your own office or home live via the Internet with 24/7 access for six months

Taroon Amin
Senior Director, National Quality Forum, Washington, DC |

Veenu Aulakh
Executive Director, Center for Care Innovations (CCI), San Francisco, CA |

Dan Ayala
Director, Informatics, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramon, CA

Deirdre Baggot, PhD (c), MBA
Vice President, The Camden Group, Los Angeles, CA |

Marc Bennett, MA
President and Chief Executive Officer, HealthInsight, Salt Lake City, UT |

Craig Brammer
Chief Executive Officer, The Health Collaborative, HealthBridge and the Greater Cincinnati Health Council, Cincinnati, OH

Kent Bradley, MD
Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Safeway, Pleasanton, CA |

Emily Brower
Executive Director, Accountable Care Programs, Atrius Health, Boston, MA |

Robert Cambray, MD
Medical Director, Wildwood Family Clinic, Madison, WI

Tracey Campbell
Director, All Payer Claims Database (APCD), Center for Improving Value in Health Care, Denver, CO |

Caroline Carlin, PhD
Research Investigator, Medica Research Institute, Minneapolis, MN |

Keith Cernak, MBA, MSPH
Executive Director, Health Protect International, Walnut Creek, CA

Alyna T. Chien, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Department of General Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Division of General Pediatrics, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA |

Mylia Christensen
Executive Director, Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation, Former Director, Oregon Center for Evidence-Based Policy, Portland, OR |

Aldo De La Torre
Vice President, Provider Engagement and Contracting, Anthem Blue Cross, Woodland Hills, CA

Larry deGhetaldi, MD
Division President, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Santa Cruz, CA |

Lindsay Erickson, MSPH
Manager, Value Based P4P Program, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Karen Wolk Feinstein, PhD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Jewish Healthcare Foundation, Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, and Health Careers Futures, Pittsburgh, PA

Jim Frankfort, MD
Chief Medical Officer and Vice President, Clinical Informatics, IMS Health, San Francisco, CA |

Irene Fraser, PhD
Director, Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Washington, DC |

Rene Frick
Senior Director, Provider Network Innovations and Partnerships, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Malay Gandhi
Chief Strategy Officer, Rock Health, San Francisco, CA |

Alan Glaseroff, MD
Co-Director, Stanford Coordinated Care, Stanford, CA |

Mary Maddux Gonzalez, MD, MPH
Chief Medical Officer, Redwood Community Health Coalition, Petaluma, CA

Kristen Gregory, PhD
Director of Patient Satisfaction Assessment, The Permanente Medical Group, Oakland, CA |

Kimberly Hartsfield
Senior Manager, The Camden Group, Little Rock, AR |

Frederick Isasi, JD, MPH
Director, Health Division, National Governors Association, Center for Best Practices, Washington, DC

Katharina Janus, PhD, MBA
Professor and Director, Center for Healthcare Management, Hamburg, Germany |

Brian Jeffrey
Regional President, Network Management, UnitedHealthcare, Santa Ana, CA |

Tracy L. Johnson, PhD
Director, Health Care Reform Initiatives, Denver Health and Hospital Authority, Denver, CO

Arthur Jones, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Medical Home Network, Chicago, IL |

Susan Knudsen
Vice President, Health Informatics, HealthPartners, Minneapolis, MN |

Colin LeClair
Executive Director, ACO Programs, Monarch HealthCare, Irvine, CA

Robert D. Lerman, MD
Vice-President, Medical Director, Physician Integration, Dignity Health, CA |

Jack Lewin, MD
President and Chief Executive Officer, Cardiovascular Research Foundation, Chairman, National Coalition on Healthcare, New York, NY |

Tom Leyden, MBA
Director II, Value Partnerships Program, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Detroit, MI

Denise Love, BSN, MBA
Executive Director, National Association of Health Data Organizations (NAHDO), Co-chair, APCD Council, Salt Lake City, UT |

Cheryl Lulias
President and Executive Director, Medical Home Network, Chicago, IL |

Michael Lundberg
Executive Director, Virginia Health Information, Richmond, VA

Lisa Mangiante, MPP, MPH
Program Director, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA |

Kim MacPherson, MBA, MPH
Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology, MPH Program Director, University of California at Berkeley, School of Public Health and Haas School of Business, Berkeley, CA |

William MacBain, MPS
Senior Vice President, Gorman Health Group, Washington, DC

Cathie Markow, BSN, MBA
Senior Director, Clinical Quality, Castlight Health, San Francisco, CA |

Lisa McDonnel
Senior Vice President, Network Strategy and Innovation, UnitedHealthcare Networks, Minnetonka, MN |

J.C. McWilliams, MBA, MHP
System Vice President of Strategy & Network Management, Dean Health Plan, Madison, WI

Kelly Miller
Project Analyst, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Jill B Miyamura, PhD
Vice President, Hawaii Health Information Corporation, Honolulu, HI |

Nathan Moracco
Assistant Commissioner, Health Care Administration, Minnesota Department of Human Services, St Paul, MN

Claire Neely, MD
Medical Director, Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement, Bloomington, MN |

Mike Payne
Vice President of Strategy, Omaha Health, San Francisco, CA |

Jennifer Pereur, MBA
Director, Government Programs, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramon, CA

Keith Pugliese
Vice President of Accountable Care and Public Policy, Brown & Toland Physicians, San Francisco, CA |

James Robinson, PhD
Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Economics, University of California at Berkeley, Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology, Berkeley, CA |

Kristina Rollings
Product Director, McKesson Health Solutions, Atlanta, GA

Valinda Rutledge
President and Chief Executive Officer, Rutledge Health Care Consulting; Former Director of Patient Care Model Group, CMMI, Greenville, SC |

Andrew Ryan, PhD
Associate Professor of Public Health, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY |

Brent Sandmeyer, MPH
Social Science Analyst, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD

David Sayen
Regional Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) - Region IX, San Francisco, CA |

Maribeth Shannon, MSHA
Director, Market and Policy Monitor Program, California HealthCare Foundation, Oakland, CA |

Lawrence Shapiro, MD
Medical Director of Managed Care, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Mountain View, CA

Melora Simon, MPH
Consultant, Stanford Clinical Excellence Research Center, San Francisco, CA |

Jeanene Smith
Administrator, Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Office for Health Policy and Research, Salem, OR |

Gregg Stefanek, MD
Family Practice Physician, Alma, MI

Karen Sugano
Vice President, Network Management, SCAN Health Plan, Long Beach, CA |

Jay Sultan
Associate Vice President and Chief Product Portfolio Architect, TriZetto Corporation, Athens, GA |

Dorothy Teeter, MHA
Director, Washington State Health Care Authority, Olympia, WA

Betsy L. Thompson, MD, DrPH
Chief Medical Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) - Region IX, San Francisco, CA |

Rachel Tobey, MPA
Director, John Snow, Inc. (JSI), San Francisco, CA |

Laurel Trujillo, MD
Medical Director of Quality, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Mountain View, CA

Jennifer Vermeer, MPA
Medicaid Director, Iowa Department of Human Services, Des Moines, IA |

Grace Wang, PhD, MPH
Senior Researcher, American Institutes for Research, San Mateo, CA |

Rachel Werner, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Mark D. Williams, MD
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN |

Howard Willson, MD, MBA
Senior Director, Clinical Design, Castlight Health, San Francisco, CA |

Jennifer Winchester
Senior Director, Provider Network Innovations and Partnerships, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, Columbia, SC

Dolores Yanagihara, MPH
Vice President, Performance Measurement & Analytics, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Jill Yegian, PhD
Senior Vice President, Programs and Policy, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA |

Marcus Zachary, DO
Medical Director, Brown & Toland Physicians, San Francisco, CA

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David Joyner
Chief Operating Officer, Hill Physicians Medical Group, Chair-Elect, Integrated Healthcare Association, San Ramon, CA

Tom Williams, DrPH
President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA



ACCME Physician Credit Designation Statement: This activity has been approved for a maximum of 17.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits for both onsite and online attendees. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
NASBA Credit Statement: A recommended maximum of 17 credits based on a 50-minute hour will be granted for the entire learning activity for the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA).
Click here for more information.
The Pay for Performance Summit is now offering a limited number of partial and full Tuition Scholarships to qualifying representatives of local, state and federal government, consumer advocate organizations, safety net providers, academics, students and health services research organizations.
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Simply register, travel to the conference city and attend in person.
Pros: subject matter immersion; professional networking opportunities; faculty interaction

Watch the conference in live streaming video over the Internet and at your convenience at any time 24/7 for the six months following the event.
The archived conference includes speaker videos and coordinated PowerPoint presentations.
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